Monday, November 29, 2010

4.13 :: A story about 2011 and my co-pilot.

Good evening my dear lambs,

How are you?

OR should I say, "Happy Holidays!"

So, coming off of Thanksgiving weekend, I want to clarify something: I did not shop. Nope. Not one red cent on Black Friday from me, no way!

Is it sad to say that I was not impressed with anything?

Not at all.

I opened the sales papers on Turkey Day eve and could not find something worth pushing men and elbowing old women for.

So, as any Turkey Day in the past, I assumed the role as my mum's co-pilot in the kitchen and chatted up my Guela (grandma).

Thanksgiving became a day of chillaxing for me and my mum's house. As I took to the table and served my plate, I noticed my dad's eyes gaze to my plate: small portions, no marshmallows, no potatoes, a decent amount of stuffing. Very little meat. I sensed kind of a sense of loss from him. Like I've changed. Fact is, I've always been that person that doesn't eat meat or pork products (ie meats, gelatin, marshmallows included) or root vegetables. He just noticed it because I've been gone for a few months now.

I've dropped a good 20 lbs, am talking to Nasia again like we were just meeting and have so many social obligations and an ad campaign and marketing that people only dream of. Right now (as I told my uncle over FB Chat tonight) Life is pretty amazing...

As the holiday weekend passed, I found myself loving the distance from the salon for a minute. I made an appearance at a party on Friday night, a cosmetic event on Sunday (both with my mum as my date) and have been chatting up Nasia.

We're meeting for breakfast tomorrow at Studio J Ry before I tackle the day...

I thought to myself, "6 months ago, I was not this person."

I had no control of my life.

Headlines ran me.

I ran Headlines.

It was a vicious cycle.

Leon was a toxic wasteland.

I was in jeopardy with Nasia.

My clientele was being filtered to others by the owner of HLines...

No, six months later... It evident: I took back my life!


I have a fashion column, have become a predominant public figure on the web and locally, and have achieved a success 4x over what I had at a large salon.

As I took time to slow down and breath this weekend and all November, I thought, "What if I too k a breather from my blog?"

Like, a month?

and just start new in January?

The reason I say that is.... 2011 is the year about building the hype about Joshua Ryan, Inc as a salon, a brand and a personality before I open sometime in 2012.

Right now, I can share with you: I want to live past five issue of PULP, go mass marketing featuring myself even more than I have, work on an at installation for open in Summer 2011 and build my dream with my mum as my co-pilot.

As of 2011, she will assume financial management of Joshua Ryan, Inc and I'll take over creative control to form a brand.

Tomorrow, I just want a good old best friend time with my best friend and to see Jax.

I want this now because next year, I want to hire a part-time assistant, pursue educating for an new brand and basically become Rachel Zoe-Carrie Bradshaw of Pueblo.

On Saturday morning, I received an e-mail from Farouk Systems that my contract with them will be terminated by January 1, 2011... I also have been in talks with a major competitor to possibly start education with them in 2011. I think word got out.

As of now, I have to response except that, I will chase the opportunity that offers me more in terms of recognitio nand exposure.

In 2011, look out! I'm gonna brand myself, I'm gonna travel, I'm gonna maintain my current clientele, submit the book (FINALLY) and create a team..

All of this came to me as I chopped onions for stuffing with my mum. I have been her co-pilot for so long... I think it's time to give back and make her my co-pilot professionally.

So, as I look back at my dad staring at my Thanksgiving plate, I think:

don't look at my plate as have empty because it's about to get full very very quick!

Happy Holidays! Here's to 2011.

Joshua Ryan

Monday, November 22, 2010

4.12 :: A story about vague wierdness and activating my Garbo gene

Hello my dear lambs,

How are you?

It's about 2am on Monday morning and I'm sitting in my office at Studio J Ry sipping a cup of coffee and contemplating resting and meditating and waking up to do it all over again tomorrow.

Alot of craziness has gone on in terms of people. I have recieved a couple phone calls from Panda, a couple texts and phone calls from Tish and have had some unexpected moments of just wanted to "lay low" for once.

As you may be aware, there has been a constant "wanting" from Panda to contact me lately. I said I never wanted to talk to him again and have ignored phonecalls and texts. Or they've been very plain and vague like, "thank you" and "fine".

Well, my curiosity was shot on Thursday evening as my phone rang close to midnight again... He always used to call me about 11 or 11:30 when we were hanging out heavy... I didn't answer. Instead of it all being over, he left a voice mail...

A part of me said, "Wait til morning."

The anxious part of me said, "check it."

So, like a child waiting for Santa, I snuck outta my office and dialed in to voicemail.

----"Hey Rockstar! It's Leon! Call me."

hmmm....... give in to temptation?


So, I called back.

I have to tell you, I wanted so much from the conversation... I wanted to like talking to him again, I wanted to feel the same feelings I felt before... but after all this, I couldn't.

I sat very still and answered very vague, just like my text messages...

"uh huh."



"oh yeah. yeah. that's great."

"oh uh huh."

Not me at all.

It clued into me .... I was NEVER myself with him.

Just like this phone call. And as hurt as I was after the fact, is the way I felt for 15 minutes of listening to him boast about himself.

He ended our jilted conversation with, "I'd like to have you over... you're always welcome..."

Really? I thought.

"I want you to meet [my girlfriend]"


No Fucking way...

That invite was just plain wierd.

In all my illustrious vocab, all I can tell you is wierd. The feeling, the invite, the phone call, the intent behind the phone call: wierd.

I was hoping for a welcoming feeling inside and all I was left with was showing him and the rest of the Headlines crew how much I do not need them or any contact at all.

That's right . Not at all.

And with that... I shut off my phone and turned out the lights.

Alot like my many absences at local events, I've turned out the lights... it's time to lay low for a minute and come back with blinkers and LEDs...

With winter upon us and the constant harrasment fom the HLines group, I'm ready to go incognito and only have people over...

I'd rather not go out.

In the words of Greta Garbo, "I want to be alone."


Monday, November 15, 2010

4.11 :: A story about working yourself sick...






Tick tick..

tick.. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear lambs,

Yes, boom!

I am not talking about my career or income. Those are figured to be booming even in my times of sickness and yes, that is what, indeed, happened.

Sickness last week.

The last couple weeks, I've cancelled appearances, public events, etc and have felt overly dizzy and the sense of nausea and on Thursday night, my world came crashing down when I stopped talking to a client I rushed through to pardon myself in just even time to barf in the backroom of the salon.

Sad face here, please.

I got myself together, tears in my eyes still. Super glazed and pale-faced and told Jules, "I need help Jules..."

She was soooooo sad for me, had no clue what to do, "babe! What's wrong?!"

I went back up and checked out my client completely embarrassed.

She said, "I'm a mom... Josh, take care of yourself... btw, I never would have known you were sick..."

Saddest part: neither did I.

That afternoon, my favourite fashionista and I had gone to lunch and I had been feeling sick and rushed all week, we went and came back and felt like I had no time to talk and rushed her out. As she left, I dismissed myself down the street to studio J Ry and felt my head, dizzy... walking up the stairs and holding on tightly I felt like I may faint...

I got into my living and sweat the coldest sweat ever.

I dazed at the clock, I had 15 minutes til my next guest... I got up, dabbed myself with a tissue and walked back down to the salon.... as the time grew close to cutting, I felt warmer and warmer and dizzier and dizzier...

I walked outside. It was FREEZING outside, but I felt warm still..

My guest was here.

I rushed through this poor woman's haircut and the scene above followed...

After she had left, I rushed out of the salon, not even taking most of my belongings... Jules said she'd clean up and told me she was worried..

I ran up the stairs and threw up all over my bathroom- mortified and in tears, I cleaned everything up and ran a shower... as I stood in the shower, a flood of ungodly you-know-what came out onto the shower floor.

What the hell was happening?

Now, I HAD TO clean the tub.

As I cleaned the tub and finished, I ran a bath...

Everytime I'm sick, I want to lay in the bath in my eyemask and blank out the world...

I got in the tub and felt sick again, another flood of sickness... this time... rather contained...

I lifted my head to hear a banging at my door.

Thinking it may be Jules following me, I ran to my door wrapped with only a towel, it was my landlord!

She was yelling, "JOSH!! THERE'S A HUGE LEAK!!"

I opened the door and played off, "sorry, you caught me in the shower..."

She apologized and told me, "well, I'll let you get something on and want you to come see this..."

I ran in, still nauseated and cleaned up any traces of being sick or clothes on the ground within two minutes.

As I opene the door, still putting a shirt on, she came to my bathroom and asked if I had noticed a leak, "no, I said..."

"I just got home, I've been rather tired and thought I'd run a bath to relax."

She said, "Well, use your other bathroom in the meantime... this may have a leak."

So, I excused her and she said she'd arrange for a plumber to visit Monday.

As she left... I felt sick again...

How was it that I could contain the urge to vomit in front of people?

Not only in front of clients and co-workers, but not general public like my landlord?

The next two days I stayed in and cancelled all appointments, all appearances, all public events...

A wave of love rushed over me from the internet, phone call and cell phone..

I still felt like shit.

As my mum came over both Friday and Saturday night, we ordered movies on demand and talked. She brought me Vitamin Water and animal crackers and talked to me...

"Do you have the flu?"

-Maybe, I said.

"or do you think your body's telling you something?"

-oh, god, mom!! f--k no!, I replied.

"Josh... maybe it's time to breathe again... you'll always be popular. You'll always be busy. Stop worrying yourself sick."

As Sunday morning came and I felt better... I had no desire for food or coffee, but more so for a cocktail with my mum and, lambs, that's exactly what I did..

I took no phone calls, no texts, not an e-mail, no Facebook -- here's my thing -- cocktails three days later????

Was I sick with a flu or have I worked myself sick????

Whatever you or I come to as our conclusions, one thing I know is mama's save the day... and maybe, just maybe, mama DOES know best.



Monday, November 8, 2010

4.10 :: A story about the best solo act..

Good morning lambs,

It's a Monday morning and I'm sitting on my red couch at Studio J Ry sipping a cup of coffee. I'm contemplating getting ready...

So, I'm trying to think of what's new in the world of Josh and well, I think that overall, the newest greatest thing is the column and finding time for myself. I'm currently finishing the specs on a new column for my next PULP contribution (can't tell you what it's about) and examining a reciept showcasing all the holiday client gifts I purchased yesterday.

Yesterday, there was a huge sale at my distributor in honour of the honing holiday season... I went in saying, "I don't think I need anything" and came back out with well, alot.

I mostly focused on client gifts. Moreso for the fact that I totally adore my clients. Honestly, they've been there for me more this year than any other year. They never let me sink! They proved everyone wrong and I have them to thank for my increasing pre-books and record-breaking sales. They've allowed me to move up and out into a new studio, make bigger investments, and eventually will probably pay for my salon.

The salon talks are getting more and more serious and my mum and I talk about what costs what, what location is best and what the absolute timeline is like for opening. I'm still on a 2012 opening date in my head, my my says "That's soon, you know that, right?"

And yes, I do know that...

I guess overall, with all of these amazing things in mind, I have also counteracted alot of my public appearances with alot of personal time when it comes to staying in at night and taking time to have one-on-ones with my mum.

I had a series of events to attend last week and is it fair enough to say that I cancelled at least two of them? I have just hit a point where I have overcommitted my time and want nothing more, but to lay on the couch and watch tv or Facebook. I don't ever want to lose grasp of who I am..

Last week, I also re-united with my Nasia for an event and it felt just like old-times... except that my old times turned into a different energy at the end. Instead of hanging around and talking... I came home, changed and met friends for dinner. My very pregnant friend and I have hit a "comfort" level in our relationsip: we don't have to constantly be around each other ot know that we're in sync. We established that years ago and as much as I miss seeing her daily, I see how important her kids and family are to her and as the months have gone by and the Headlines drama has drummed down a few notches, I notice that my mum and friends and clientele mean the most to me.

I always talk about operating without a best friend and maybe, just maybe, lambs, that's where I need to be: a solo act that makes appearances or chooses to seclude myself in the Madonna style of recent years. Maybe I'll ony come out to play when I choose and when I do, I'll still be the best, the latest greatest, an icon...

Yeah, icon.

That's the best solo act.



Wednesday, November 3, 2010

4.09: A story about my documentary ...

Good morning lambs!

It's a little past midnight on a Thursday and I'm sipping coconut water and watching a documentary on Spain. Lately, my television has been tuned to documentaries. If not about Andy Warhol and his factory people, then about Spain or gospel singer Mahalia Jackson. Yes, all of those subjects certainly thrill me.

A part of me wonders what a documentary about me would look like. What would people think of me? Would would the director try to convey? Do I have a message? Do I live passionately enough to be cinematic? I think I do.

I think that's why I strive for a reality series and this "ultimate" lifestyle. My life has always been made public by mostly me and the "buzz" being heard between conversation with myself and others and the buzz generated by yours truly through the use of blogging, twittering, writing, making public appearances, etc.

On Monday, my first column for PULP Magazine came out. The name of the column- "Haute Mess" debuted and it was a very humble shock for me. I actually didn't know the column would be out that day, I was told by a client that works at the coffeeshop next door. She told me, "I loved it!"

I was so happy to hear that people were reading it and as I prepare my essays for the next few, I am only more excited to see what PULP will print next.

Besides PULP, tomorrow I have a benefit fashion show that I'm styling with the-one-and-only Nasia. I can't tell you the warmth I feel on the inside knowing I'm going to work with my favourite girl once again. Tonight, I spoke to her on the phone and let her know that I hired an assistant for her and me to share. She was like, "Wow... you rock. How is it that you were able to arrange that?"

I quickly replied, "I'm an excellent networker."

Do you think if I had a documentary, I would show people how to network? Does networking make me look sincere or spread too thin like I'm looking for a perk? I hope it looks sincere. I hope you all find me sincer.

In the documentary of my life: I want to be known as passionte. Passionate about my life, the cuases I support, the art and relationships I create and sustain and overall, for being public, but for also being likeable.

Tomorrow, I want to be known as likeable, not a diva, and not public, just Josh working with my Nasia like the day and mentoring Jennie, the assistant and hoping for the perfect storyline to the continuing documentary of my life.

Hearts lambs! and thank you for "Watching" me all this time.

and thank you to those watching "over" me as if they were my guardian angels.



Sunday, October 31, 2010

4.08 :: A story about having it all and snagging on one..

Hey lambs,

It's Josh here. Sitting at my desk in Studio J Ry sipping the rest of my Crown and Coke and thinking of things to continue writing about...

Well, this week was quite active in terms of people and friends, etc.

After my drunk texts from Leon this week, I sat baffled and the next evening had dinner with my good friend and fellow-stylist Brandis. Brandis is gorgeous! She's young, enthusiastic and passionate. She has this very pin-up style and Ruby Red hair that makes you ask "What did you use to get that?"

She's just amazing.

We talked about me, our salons, our love of hair, and many other random topics. One random topic happened to be Panda (Leon). As I filled her in on the history of Panda and I (please see Volumes 1-3), she sipped her drink and said with squinted eyes, "I really do not like this dude! I want to meet him just to get a view of this guy."

She's uber-sweet, so hearing the distain in her voice let me know I was in the right when allowing people the view into the naked window of my heart when it comes to matter of my, well, heart.

After parting ways, we decided to do it again and I found out at the end of the evening, I once again, had another person to add to my itinerary of regular eats and drinks...

My Friday was filled with an afternoon make-up shopping with ultra-hot friend, Andrew. Andrew and I talked about attitudes, etc and nervousness.

Lately, I've hit a new wall: a wall of nervousness when it come to doing his hair. WTF? Serious? I am so super intimidated by him that it affects my performance. In full discord with myself, we had to bring the subject up over a burger while I murderd three cocktails.

After our sworn peace-to-be at his next hair cut, I went to volunteer at an event for a non-profit organization slightly buzzed... the event, unfortunately, was not a money maker... I felt bad, but felt like the donation of my time was enough.

As the night grew darker, my favourite fashionista, Michelle and I met up and we had drinks to celebrate the birthday of my favourite twins, Anita and Annette and 3Below. After reliving my reggaeton roots and chatting up the place, we ran off and I crashed. Saturday was greeted to much dehydration from my crown/gin/whatever cocktail usage the night before and full book.

This morning, sleeping in felt good and as seeing that I do not celebrate Halloween (I know that burns a few my lambs arses), I felt that an evening with my mum after the full roster of my Brandis, Andrew, Michelle and numerous others this week, My mum would be the one to mellow me out.

As she text me that she was less that five minutes away, another text rang in, from guess who?

That's right!


"Are you in town?" he asked.

"I'm with company" I replied.

"I wanted to know if you'd like to have a drink with me before my gf (girlfriend) gets back"

ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??!?!?! He has a girlfriend?!?!?!


Why would anyone text me that?

It always plays over and over again in my head that Panda never made me a priority, just an option.

And again, here I am being presented as the option. I replied, "No, I'm sorry, my friend. Have a safe night. Maybe some other time."

And then, I just shut my phone off.

As I thought over and over again, it brainfucked me... why is with a girl now? He told me forever that women were not his thing, and being known to have a bi-bone in my body in terms of women, people always labled me as "Gross" or "Double-dipping."

Could it be? Is he straight now?

And secondly, do you know how sad it feels to know that I was never good enough for a boyfriend and he's now with a women?!

That's a confidence buster!

Part of me wants to know why he's texting me recently outta nowhere and part of me wants to just sit down with him and be nosey and ask questions, but the biggest part of me is sad still and wants to tear up thinking about all the wrong he did.

So, here's the part I have to ask?

How should I have reacted?

In a world full of success, wealth and friends, why does this one keep snagging at the afghan of my heart muscle?



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

4.07 :: A story about keeping it "hush-hush"

Oh Lambs,

Where do I start?

I'm super tardy writing this blog tonight, but I have a promise that I will write again tomorrow, yes, yes, I mean it.

So, so much has happend in my life thus far that it gets harder and harder to conjure up exactly where to start! It's almost midnight and I'm sitting at Studio J Ry after a long conversation with my mum.

We've been talking alot lately about me possibly starting the plans on my own (yes, very own) studio.

The subject has been brought up more time than I can count within the last two weeks by more individuals...and then of them were me!

It's crazy to believe people have the confidence in me and I doubt myself as much as I do. The concept is something very hush-hush and very Josh. At the same time, keeping something hush-hush is hard for me... and very not-Josh.

I can tell you, however, that I do have alot of creative projects on the buffet line of my life. I have recently contacted an art gallery to start work on a possible art installation in Summer 2011. As I stay hush-hush about the theme, all I can tell you is that, I want to bring the masses the art of hair, the surrealism and the inspiration and the avante-garde side of what I do.

I think this will be the best way to flex my creative muscle. I've flexed my marketing muscle, my writing muscle with the book and the column. The books is almost done with editing. I've flexed by fashion muscle with the new column out next month and the possible re-creation of Shampoo Boy with Lastleaf Designs.

My next goal is to take my art side and express it by entering the NAHAs (North American Hairstyling Awards) and presenting an art installation. The working title of the art installation is "Flawless". Although, let's keep that hush-hush.

I recently had someone express they're wanting to become a personal fixture in my life and as I went out for an evening of cocktails and abandoned singlehood, I simply said, "this is hush-hush".

And that's when I realized, I do not want anyone.

I do not want an individual in my life to love at this point. My love is my art, is my career, is my life.

Right now, the studio, the salon, the creative projects and my clients ARE my significant other.

As I told my mum of the cool things I have in mind and the possible creation of a salon for open in 2012, I hung up and was greeted by a text message from Panda (Leon).

Yep, Panda.

The message said, "I hope you're well."

I replied, "thank you."

Minutes went by.

Another text rang in, he gave me an explanation of why he wanted to talk to me and asked where I was at. I said, at my house.

He said, "Where?"

I said, "downtown"

He said, "come over and have a glass of wine with me"

What do you think my reply was?

..................."I am flattered, my friend, but no, not tonight. I will always have a space in my heart for you. I had a genuine deep love for you and I don't know what went wrong. In fact, it was a brainfuck to me, in all honesty. I was obsessed and foolish. I'm sorry, but not tonight."

He never replied.

Well, maybe he did, but for now, all I can tell you is that we need to keep that hush-hush..


PS: come back tomorrow for more.

Monday, October 18, 2010

4.06 :: A story about being "green"

Hi lambs,

How are you? It's a chilly Monday afternoon and I'm wearing a black, long-sleeve henly and typing with chipped-black lacquered nails.

Not only am I lacking a proper manicure, I'm also lacking groceries. Grocery shopping is the minor to-do on my long to-do list of returning phone calls, booking appointments, etc... running errands and sleeping.

Yesterday, I was out of town at an amazing Toni & Guy/TIGI Advanced class, I absolutely adored it! The educator was a 2x NAHA Winning artist. NAHA, for your information, stands for the North American Hairstylist Awards. That is THE OSCAR of our industry and she won two years in a row for Editorial stylist of the year and fashion forward stylist of the year.

Meeting her gave me hope that I was on the right path and that NAHA is super attainable. I've dreamt of winning one and giving it to mum for years!

Yes, you read that right, giving it to my mum. It was my mum who sent me to beauty school when she realized I would not be happy being a graphic designer and being "assigned" jobs to be artistic. She knew that I would have to work into my success and learn how to call the shots.

This afternoon, I just got back from a meeting with my editor from PULP Magazine. My first piece is completed and will be published in the next issue of PULP. My second ad campaign will also launch in the next couple days and let me tell you, the need for an assistant is growing!!

I was recently asked at an event Friday evening who I was dating and the reply was, "no one, of course"

When asked if I'd ever, I had to tell the interested party, "it's okay to get to know me and want ot hang out, but keep in mind, my career is my #1 priority. It's okay to be interested in me, but my time with my clients, my family and my business in-salon and extra projects will always come first."

As I looked at this sentence over text and replayed it in my mind all night, I realized as soon as I grow and grow and grow, there will be a time when I need to hire a staff to manage me. When a "Salon" happens. .. that will happen.

I remember being told when I left Headlines that I'd have no clients, no success and that I was "green"- Green meaning young and unexperienced.

When Veronica, with her 2 NAHAs told us yesterday "Green" was good.

"Green means you have room to grow. Ripe means you have room to rot."

That made me smile and I realized that this educator and accomplished artist KNEW what she was talking about...

"Ripe mean you room to rot.."

Yep-- sounds like some pros I know.

In the past, I have been called "bitchy, diva, unforgiving, perfectionist, over-the-top, dillusional, rude, blunt..." and let me tell you-- Veronica showed me her humblesness and speaking with her and receiving praise from her made me realize: I'm just fine.

I'm on the right path, just as I've known... and all haters are rotting... I never stopped growing. When you start to rot, you tend to judge harsher "Greener" plants in the industry or in your life.

It's time to pull some weeds...



PS: I need winter clothes... lol... random thought.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

4.05 :: A story about couture living and being "fashionable" without trend.

Good morning lambs,

It's a Thursday morning at Studio J Ry and I'm finishing up an ellaborate breakfast, coffee and mint-infused water with lime. If you've ever noticed in the history of the blog, I tend to share with you within the first few sentences what I'm sipping or noshing on.

Food is so incredibly important to me. I am the son of a Spanish trained-chef, so cusine is TOP for me (after HAIR) obviously.

Today is, for once, a day off for me away from the salon. I had a numerous amount of clients tell me, "what is your idea of a day off?"

Well, this sounds funny, but on my days off, I get up early, and prepare an ellaborate breakfast. I often joke that I do not cook at all, that is completely false! I hold my own very f--king well in the kitchen, thank you very much. LOL!

One thing you'll never find in my kitchen is milk and you'll never really find alot of meat. I'm kosher, so Pork is off limits completely, along with shellfish. I order pizza and that becomes maybe the only exception! (ha ha)

My diet is not so I have this amazingly fit body, I couldn't give a shit about trying to look like a model! I'm 5'3''. It's NOT gonna happen. I'm a short Irish-Spanish kid that does hair and wears more eyeliner than most girls in this city, but one thing I can tell you is that I'm super super genuine.

I say what I feel and mean what I say. So my feelings and integrity are in every single sentence spoken and written.

My latest project is finishing up Studio J Ry. I have let a few VIPs tour it. It's a small tour, but a tour, none-the-less. I will have pictures and open house very very soon! One thing I'm working on today on my day away from the salon is my samples for PULP. We'll see how that goes. I really believe that this pairing WILL happen.

My main focuse of the colum is going to be fashion, trends and social life. Three things I can tell you I'm all about. Now, part 2 of that is that I NEED TO STEP UP MY GAME!! I boast about fashion and wear the same uniform: Diesel jeans and black American Apparel or Armani tee. I normally have tons of accessories and ellaborate belt buckles and shoes...

So, it's time to get out of the box a bit.

Time to study up and flex my fashion muscle.

I don't think fashion is all about couture or what you're wearing. I think fashion is a lifestyle. I think somone can live very fashionably. I think breakfast is fashionable. If you have a good breakfast and find it therapeutic to cook like my mum or I, then it sets you off on a good note. You have an appreciation for this amazing culinary delight you just created. Frying an egg is very basic, but placing it on a bed of dijon, spinach and turkey bacon on a crustini makes it very couture for food... that to me, is very fashionable- that is haute couture in the kitchen.

I think a stylist can do any haircut, but a flick of the comb or the way the hold their shears can turn them into an expert. It's a lifestyle this "living fashionable" thing. I think I live very fashionable. I think my friends and clients live very runway lives.

They are powerful and control the scene!

It doesn not mean you are trendy, by any means!! Chanel wore the same black dress, black pump or Chanel suit. She took off one accessory on the way out the door- that methodically made her fashionable. Karl Lagerfield wears the same recipe or "formula" if you will when dressing in a tight S&M Style suit with cinched necktied and gawdy necklace- that makes him "fashionable."

Last example, I promise, is Tom Ford. he wears the same amazing Zegna or Gucci suit and has a filthy mind. No one ever calls him on it... that makes HIM "fashionable" because he made it his own.

I made Diesel, Alexander McQueen and American Apparel "fashionable" for me.

So, my words to you are to live fashionably, not on trend. Whatever makes you "fashionable" makes YOU stand out. So, don't worry about others. Remember, it's a Lifestyle, not a "look"

Heart and much love... ps: eat breakfast, it makes a world of difference!
J Ry

Monday, October 11, 2010

4.04 :: A story about changing the filters and possibly piecing the broken glass together..

Good evening lambs,

I'm sitting here in some amazing Diesel jeans and vintage boxing shirt sipping an Iced Coffee thinking of a subject to write about for my yet-to-be-authored sample column for PULP Magazine.

As the weeks have gone on, I find myself always sooo busy and scrambling for time . But it's only about 10pm and my best writing comes at midnight. The theme will come soon, I can feel it.

So, on a recent outing with my mum to complete buying furniture for Studio J Ry, the subject of Leon was brought up and if I'd heard from him. The answer is no. The long version is this is, "no, I haven't and I don't care to hear from him ever again."

You may quote me.

"ever again.."

In these past few weeks of decorating and collaborating with mostly myself, I've found that the Josh-filter keeps catching alot of characteristics that prevent most people in my grasp from attaining the holy title of "best friend".

There really isn't a more perfect candidate than my mum or Nasia and I in our prime, so, the filtering system in place is set to VERY HIGH.

One thing about operating with absolutely no best friend in my life is that my trust in most people is gone. Yep, gone. The moments when someone can prove themselves to me are often missed by a mere few points and the fact hat I weigh a person's character so heavy make me such a Libra and less a Virgo.

So, recently brought to my attention, I heard that I may be known within the gay community as a "bitch". I'm (as I've heard) picky, egotistical, don't give people a fair chance, and no one is ever good enouhgh- that sounds accurate.

In the business world, I am a "marketing genius". -- again, pretty accurate.

In the beauty industry, "a greater talent than even I know..." not sure what to say about that.

One thing I could always depend on when I had Nasia around was that she would keep me grounded. As I text her back and forth now, I find my closeness is not as close as it once was. I can feel the wall being put up from her and as she's stated that her pregnancy has taken alot of her energy and I understand, I am left with an absence of words.

I'm truly happy that she has her kids and her husband and her career and love that her clients adore her, but I miss my time with her. I miss my best friend.

My creative collaborator is gone. Janelle has taken on the role as my business collaborator. Jules my drinking collaborator. Michelle fills my fashionista void. Andrew my venting collaborator and the realist of all my friends that reminds me of my humanity and my mum is still my mentor and manager of Joshua Ryan, Inc.

But my best friend position is yet to be filled. In my pursuit of filling this void, I'm left to ask the following:

Do I keep searching in a world of people not-so-perfect for the job OR

Do I ask for Nasia to come back?

Feedback is appreciated



PS: I'll leak my PULP submittion soon... Stay tuned.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

4.03 :: A story about being blessed and having it all ..

Hi lambies,

It's Josh Cooley typing from my balcony at Studio J Ry.

Oh my goodness... what to write about..

Honestly, life is beautiful.

I wake up every single morning about 3:30 or 4 and see the ceiling and the decor and space and think to myself, "I REALLY live here?"

Studio J Ry is amazing. I'm still decorating and hoping to have it COMPLETE by the end of the month. I'm in the market for a large canvas over the red couch and a bed, yes, a bed.

I STILL have not bought a bed for Studio J Ry. My bed room is not existent. I defenitely have not had the time, first and foremost, but now is time to make it happen...

This evening, I have a promotional event going on in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. I convinced my entire team to join me in promoting the salon and rocking out some complimentary services and introducing brand new spanking products we have not yet unleashed to our Rockstar clientele.

In a couple weeks, I'll be heading back to Toni and Guy Academy and rocking it out again for the second time doing advanced technical training. That's exciting. I have a benefit fashion show lined up for November and hopefully some holiday time away. Not sure yet.

My life has been go go go and right now I need rest rest rest.

Promoting myself, promoting the salon, the website, the re-emmergence of the Shampoo Boy line, possible deals with Last Leaf Designs, PULP Magazine and my manuscript seem like a lot, but it's all in a days work.

And to boot: I have a girl that wants to apprentice me...


Joshua Ryan, Inc is certainly taking off.

Today, I had a partial interview with L'Oreal and a full book. It was LITERALLY THE BIGGEST business day I've EVER had...

I wake up at 4 am, not only to lay in belief that I've made it to Studio J Ry and Joshua Ryan, Inc, but to thank my Creator for the opportunity to share.

To share talent, kindess, intergrity and all my world with you... my guests... my lambs.

And as I talk about resting, it gets difficult because I think of all the projects and fun things I want to show you.

That makes me so grateful that you want to play show and tell and that keeps me up at 4 am and 2 am and 12 am. Writing a blog at midnight, dozing to sleep at 2 and chatting online with you til then, and waking up at 4 am and thanking G-d that I have had this blessed opportunity.

Thank you for allowing me to get to this point.

Without you I wouldn't have any of it.

And right now, I feel like I have it all.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

4.02 :: A story about professional recognition and personal judgments.

Hi lambs and doll faces,

It's Joshy here at midnight typing typing typing and sipping sipping sipping a cup of half-warm, half-cool coffee. I just returned a few hours ago from a hairshow and I'm still unpacking. Yes, still.

Lots of cool stuff in the works, I can't even begin to start thinking about it. Professionel stuff mostly. My persona life is actually not as dramatic as you may think, it's mostly (how should I say this) eventful.

I spent alot of time at functions and paying bills this week. Truly. For example, if Rachel Zoe had an alter-ego, it would be me and my only goal at this point is to become just like her in my chosen field. So many people have brought up the topic of "moving" to me. I have no desire.

I'd much rather travel back and forth. And I'm sticking to that concept. I've done the hairshow thing back and forth to L.A., avoiding trips to heated NYC and back and forth to locales likes Houston, Chicago and Denver. And for me, that's all fun. Honestly, fun is the word.

I had a massive time at the PULP awards this weekend and re-ignited my love affair with Twitter! My Blackberry is the closest thing in contact with me daily. I'm surprised I haven't caught a cold from my own phone!

I literally attempted to tweet the entire awards show! It was tough because five cocktails later, I was gone. No more Josh. On a good note, the crowd loved me. In terms of popularity, my stock has risen! In terms of personal popularity, it's going down within my social group of friends. With two friends both leaving me and me and Jules bolting her boyfriend and his mates at stop #2 of our five bar appearances that night, I had a mad amount of messages, texts, blogs, twitters about me both good and bad. And honestly, most of them were good and welcoming from the public! On the bad side, I had a one gnarly review from a friend of mine. He has claimed that he wants to start blogging me in search of understanding me and descaling the essence of Josh.

In my orgy of twitters and twit-pics on Thursday night, a friend of mine made an appearance at the PULP Awards all the way from Denver. I greeted him, took a pic and as the night went on and we played catch-up, I told him, "didn't you read the blog?!?" at some point and he replied, "I don't read about you."

"I'll form my own opinions of you, Josh." he told me.

I was offended.

It just felt appropriate for my ego to deflate in offense in response to his ignorance of my narsicism. (I liked that sentence, just now)

As the night goes on, he seemed detached and critical and full of animosity. I told him this, he claims I rubbed myself all over him and made an arse of myself. In terms of foddling anyone, I don't agree. In terms of making of arse of myself, I think most people were complimenting me and still are.

The following night, he text and chatted with me online and made me very aware that he was offended by my actions and also told me that in the case of EVER having a relationship with me, he would "never give [me] a chance." and that he would also "never hook-up with [me]"

So, if you can see, my professional life in terms of Josh Cooley: the personality is amazing. In terms of personal life and Josh Cooley: the person, it's very mixed.

My friends are consistency critical of me and when I greet or exit them with an air kiss, real kiss and hug and they are, in fact, offended, it's rude to me. It's stupid. I feel like a friend should understand that drunk/fun Josh is having fun and that EVERYONE in a social setting should understand alcohol and people and their actions are totally forgivable. We all want to have a good time and hurting someone's feeling while under the influence is just dumb. It's never on purpose I've found and it's one person being judgemental normally.

As I went to this weekend's hair show, I found myself on the other side of the table. I had a sales rep that became a bit boistrous with me in the hotel's bar and I told her to chill out. The next morning, she came to me and apologized. I told her, "What for?"

She said, "for last night, I'm sorry."

I told her, "when people are in a social setting and alcohol is involved, I never hold it against them. You'd know if I was upset with you."

I feel like my friend at the awards should have said the same. Instead he held it all against me and brought my dirt out in a converstion online. What a time for dirt!

As my sales rep continued talking, I looked at her and walked away and told her, "really, it's okay. I'll see you next week."

And really, for me, it was okay.

That's how I knew in my heart, as a person being judged by another, I am not like him. I am not a person judging her for her alcohol-induced actions, it's not fair to her. Just like it wasn't fair for him to make that comment to me repeatedly.

As a professional, I love my crowd, as a person, sometimes I fucking hate it.
For me, the professional side of things is funner than the personal side of things and having to repeatedly defend and explain myself.



PS: the picture above is of me and Jules at the PULP Awards. Follow me on Twitter for additional adventures and more Pretty Boy news at

Thursday, September 30, 2010

4.01 :: A story about Volume 4, collaborating and re-uniting.

Hey lambs,

It's Josh Cooley typing from my office in Studio J Ry located in Downtown SoCo.

I wanted to save the first blog entry of Volume 4 for the day of the P.U.L.P. People's Choice Awards because I knew things were going to be exciting today. And they have been!

This morning greeted me with a new client as I rushed down to the salon, met her and created another short pixie, super-textured masterpiece. I'm all about it. Truly. I closed up shop and came back to Studio J Ry for breakfast and to wait for the Direct TV guys. Seeing as I had another engagement at 12:30, I called as time went on they said they would be able to be at my place by noon. Well, that wasn't going to work and after a seemingly long hold and an annoyed assistant on the phone later, I re-booked and off to meet Andrew I went.

Andrew and I spent a few minutes at my aesthetician's office discussing some services he's seeking out. I referred Dana highly to Andrew, not only for the mere fact that she's a master at what she does, but for the fact that Dana is a huge support network for me. As a fellow beauty pro in this industry, I consult with her at times. She's the one that gave me the boost to leave my last studio and told me, "good things will come." And the one that told me to initiate a no-show fee and cancelation policy due to my growing demand. She has been a personal and professional role model for me and I felt like it would be the perfect pairing for her to meet Andrew.

As the day went by, I came back to Studio J Ry and decided to pull a few items to pair with my ward-robe for tonight's appearance. Julie and I stayed late last night and coloured our hair and discussed wardrobe. Jules was actually paired with me as my co-presenter at tonight's awards ceremony and I am beyond elated that she's coming with me!

In about an hour, I'm gonna be getting her ready and doing her hair and make-up for tonight after I jump in the shower shortly after this blog.

After I ran downstairs to check on my designs from Last Leaf and a few rambling moments with Mo, the designer, I ran out and heard from behind me, "Josh! Josh!"

I turned around all squinty and looked and low-and-behold, it was my Nasia.

"Holy shit!" I thought. My favourite person has re-appeared.

I saw her and instantly wanted to well-up and cry, but instead, hugged her tightly and made the effort to let my true emotions show. She told me she was picking up some lunch and didn't expect to see me.

I was soooo happy to see her.

Words can't even be expressed in this blog how much I've missed her company.

I gave her a tour of Studio J Ry and the salon and walked her back to her car. As I got ready to hug her and say bye, she told me, "you're all grown up, all downtown, Carrie Bradshaw, NY, LA Josh. That's who I've always loved inside of you and now it shows!"

I told her jokingly, "so am I off probation? Can I come out of detention now?"

She smirked, giggled lightly and told me sincerely, "yes... you're off probation."

As much as I've had tension with her, I've also had alot of invested interest in Nasia's career and she in mine and it's good to have her back... even in this light-hearted moment.

Today as I was waiting while Andrew met with Dana, I was talking to a member of the P.U.L.P. staff and discussed possibly writing for P.U.L.P. -- that would be a delicious pairing, I think and as tonight comes and the ceremony brings unexpected moments of fun and randomness, I hope that in a short amount of time, I'll be announcing my collaboration with a local magazine, my re-united friendship with Nasia and my growing relationships with Andrew and Julie.

Here's to Volume 4 and lots of Pretty Boy action...



Monday, September 27, 2010

3.13 :: A story about Josh Cooley

Dear lambs,

My name is Joshua Ryan Cooley and this is my blog. You may know me under commonly used d/b/a or publicly known as "Josh Cooley". My alias online ranges from Rockstar Stylist to The Original Pretty Boy to the recently discovered J Ry. All in all, it's me and I'm happy you're reading my blog.

As I end my third volume of "Pretty Boy Education" and look back at the blog's inception and it's progress, I notice so many transitions and tie-ins and so much randomness or the undertone of hurt, love, and a boy finding his true self and all I can tell you is that (with huge tears in my eyes as I type this) : I found Josh.

Josh is here typing weekly, sometimes twice about his life and you click on a link, read it and send and sometimes don't send feedback.

My blog has made people angry, inspired, divorce me, break-up with me, caused me to quit, caused me to hire, caused me to fire and motivated me.

It has opened my eyes.

It has opened your eyes and allowed you into a very intimate world known as the world of Josh Cooley, celebrity wannabe/local personality, stylist extraordinaire/cosmetologist and business man from Southern Colorado.

Today, I spent a huge amount of time with my mum at Studio J Ry and as she left around 10 pm, I layed on the couch, took a breath and thanked God for her. And you. And me.

I got up, walked to my balcony and watched her and my dad turn the corner and walk away. I cried and admittidly said, "you made it, Joshua."

So much of my life has been about getting to this point. And as I re-read volumes 1 and 2. I look at the writer/artist in 1.01 writing the blog, "A story about my panda" and wonder, "what did I see?"

I saw the good in him.

I saw the good in me.

Months later, we all saw the demolition outloud, public and weekly.

Reading, sometimes people e-mailing me after a post, "is everything alright?"

Me divulging, "I just don't get it, but it's fine . Truly."

And truly, it was.

All through the break-up of Headlines, the drama of Leon, the absence of Nasia and the friends that come in and out, there's one constant: me.

And I'm here to tell you: I'm not going anywhere.

And also, that you are the most important thing you have.

As I sit in my office downtown and type this perplexed by my frozen Blackberry, I promise each of you there's more to come.

So much more!!!

And that is what makes me soooo excited.

In the finding of this "Josh" typing now, I think that all the projects on my agenda forward are pure and full of life, passion and love.

And for you all that follow it and support me in business and life, I dedicate this blog to you.

I love you.

Thank you for allowing me to find and present the "Josh" you know now.

Let's get on to Volume 4 and see what comes of this new found internet/publicly locally known celebrity named, Josh Cooley.

hearts shavua tov
josh cooley.

Friday, September 24, 2010

3.12 :: A Story about a downtown kid and his culture

Hey lambs and hunny bunnies,

I'm so sorry it's been almost a week since my last blog.

I'm sitting here at 3Below enjoying some lunch a cocktail mid-day. Today is the first day of the Mirasol Chile & Frijole Festival in Pueblo and I'm adoring the teamwork and comradary in the middle of the street setting up booths, tents, etc.

For me, downtown is a way of life, not a an area of town..

Someone who is a downtown kid (any downtown around the world mind you) whether you're in SoHo (London) or Chelsea (NY) or in SoCo, is someone that moves with the ebb and flow of that particular communities business, entrepeneurs, underdogs and sticks by them 100%. Generally, you find independent boutiques, coffee houses, bars and awkward hippie-esque abodes. The people are very "underground cool." Lots of odes to grunge, bohemia, and the punk scene. It's very coffeehouse.

The fashionable are generally cutting edge or classic with a little edge.

People don't eat at normal times, they come and go as they please, they move in about seven different social circles, their "Day job" is part of their passions (ie artist, graphic designer, barista, hairstylist) and they greet everyone as "brother, dude, sister, man"... no one has a social status.

At the end of the day we are all the poorest rich people in the world and the richest poor people. We have it all, because we work hard, but have no health insurance and rent lofts and right checks and pray the money will be there. We make large in investments and online orders with confidence and stay in a quote-unquote "budget", but there really is not one established, we eat lunch at a new place everyday and when someone joins are downtown crowd, we take them under our wing and watch them blossom and watch them run their block in their own way.

In other words, downtown is WHERE THE COMMUNITY IS AT!

So, tell me, are you a downtown kid at heart?

I am and I live it everyday!

See you downtown.

-j ry.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

3.11 :: A story about sifting out the irrevalant..

Good morning lambs,

It's about 3:45 am. Yep, 3:45. I'm on the mission to pack up my closet for transport to Studio J Ry and my office for transport as well. Two tasks that I am not looking forward to.

My clothes are going to be sifted out greatly! I'm talking lots of donations!

My paperwork is going to have to be boxed up and inventoried... I'm actually kind of annoyed by this great task. My furniture arrives today and I'm excited for that and then I'm off to buy a bed, coffeetable, side tables, etc.

Oh! And groceries..

Ugh, so much to do!

I just got done responding to an e-mail regarding my winter campaign and things are going incredibly smooth on the promotional end of my world. I'm excited, actually. I see so many changes in front me. A new studio, taking full-control of my business and taking full responsibility for where I am in life at THIS very moment and it's all very humbling at times.

Tonight, I had dinner with my good friend and fellow stylist Jules and she told me, "out of all my friends, I get the most pissed at my myself and admire you when I'm around you. It's very different feeling for me inside."

I told her, "why!" all confused as I slammed down my Caprese salad and cocktail.

She replied, "because you just have all your shit together!"

No I don't, I thought.

I still think that at times.

From an outsider's point of view, yeah, probably.

From the insiders's point of view, yeah, kinda.

From me: yes and no.

There are so many things I have worked myself up over and so many unnecessary dramas that I don't allow to overtake me.

It's simply not worth the stress. Leaving Headlines taught me how to take fear, give it a smack on the arse and say, "f--k you, bitch! I can do this!"

I literally find myself so confident to the point that I can say, "I run this!"

When I get home or behind a laptop or one-on-one with a friend, I will always tell them, "naw... It's not so bad. I love what I do. I love my life and give thanks everyday for the opportunity."

Those words keep me grounded and it's those words that have been my mantra all summer since venturing out on my own.

Studio J Ry is another expendature of that. I want to live passionately as much as I work and create passionately.

As I sift throught skater tees and old Guess jeans and old files and bills paid and pack them up, I just think to myself, "how much of this old shit do I REALLY need to take along with me?"

The decision to minimalize my life was very quick and very clear... whatever is not relavant today for me, is probably not relavant tomorrow or the next day or later.

So, out with the old and in with the newly found, officially independent Josh Cooley aka J Ry.



PS: Yes, Studio J Ry will be open house soon... Sometime in early November for the viewing! ; )

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3.10 :: A story about creating Studio J Ry and turning to Rachel for guidance..

Hey lambies!!

It's almost midnight and I'm munching on chicken nuggets and sipping Rum and Orange Crush soda. .. oh and watching my mentor, Rachel Zoe. Right now, she's making a Passover dinner and she's not, you know, really MAKING anything.

I'm watching her and staring and watching her husband complain about how busy she is and think to myself, "do people say that about me?"

I'm pretty sure I know the answer to that question.

So, last week, I officially started moving into my new apartment, Studio J Ry, downtown. It is taking WAY longer than I thought it would... I decided to buy everything brand new... all the way from the living room to the bedroom to the office. My patio is amazingly huge for an apartment and I'm super excited to see the overall personality of my dwelling when it's complete. Building the personality of this space is so different for me because it's not like Casa de Cooley, my parent's estate or Panda's loft (which he copied theme-wise.)

I'm noticing my little eclectic vibe is taking a mellow turn. I seriously just want to be able to come home, lay on my red designer sofa and if I fall asleep, I simply, fall asleep. No more back and forth to my parent's house or wondering if me and Leon are going to fight over not going out for cocktails or not eating starches..

I think the coolest part of this is solidifying my idenity, all the way down to who I am at home. Not who I want to be perceived as, but what I actually look like in a home situation.

Week after week, I watch Rachel Zoe in her home and see so much of her personality in her taste and furniture choices: the minimalism, the use of white, the accessories.. and think to myself, "I want to be just like that."
In many ways I am.

Recently, I was asked to be a presenter at and upcoming local event and am uber-excited along with the hairshow coming up later that weekend and then our first ever promotional event days after.

As I watch Rachel and parrallel my life, I see alot of commonalities. She's busy and excited over fashion the way I'm excited about the hair industry. With e-mails from Farouk Systems waiting ot be responded to in my inbox and a job offer from L'Oreal *yes, for real* I'm finding myself becoming everything I wanted.

The completion of my book stops, starts, and then stops again. And the project of putting together a fashion show just landed on my desk today.


Studio J Ry... Yeah, i'm on fire!

How will I make the time to open myself to a possible relationship and actual social life?

I guess we'll have to continue blogging and see what we uncover together.



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3.09 : A story about what matters and finding value..

Hey lambs,

Sorry I've been off schedule with blogs lately. I'm a couple behind and still owe you one. I'm pretty sure that I can guarentee you I'm busy.

I'm sitting at the coffee shop now after a meeting with my advertising rep. The images for my winter campagn are sealed and off to the printer and again, 50,000 homes in my area will be invited time for sessions and studio time with me.
The last blog I wrote was about a less-than-stellar birthday and I felt bad for being so negative nancy on you all, but it was very true.

My birthday for me is much bigger than Christmas! So, when people don't acknowledge it, I get sad. And even though I had 100+ messages from Facebook, Twitter, Texts and E-mails. The one person I wanted to spend my birthday with didn't even bat an eyelash and send a text. It's saddening.

That to me, shows me that the end with her is here. That's old news and I need to quit stirring up the old burnt embers of our relationship.

As I sit here, I think about all the cool people that took me to lunch last week and sent me coffee or cards and I just want to say a huge, mass "thank you."

You guys matter most to me.

On Sunday, I went on a wild goose hunt with my #1 Fashionista Michelle for a converter for a new TIGI Curling Rod she ordered overseas that was made for a UK outlet. After four visits, a lay over at the Lancome counter and a slopper and a few crown and cokes later, we found it...

I kept wondering, "why are we making the effort? And not getting discouraged?"

There was sooo much determination in that afternoon to find this effing converter. Why not buy one for the US? Because, #1 they are not released here and #2, it was worth the effort.

My point being, how many things in this life do we make an effort to make accomdiations to use?
It's alot like people we love. We put up with some bullshit just to get a simple yes or text message.
One of my favourite quotes my Kabbalah instructor told me was, "if it wasn't worth the effort and energy, it wasn't wporth it in the first place."

So... if I'm not worth the same amount of energy to friends as I invest in them, maybe it's not worth the begging.. because that's what it becomes.
I just got word of my potential move-in date for my apartment and just finished a power meeting and am fueled up on vegetables and the need for a spray tan...

So, my advice to you this week is to find out who is making an effort to communicate or better their relationship with you. If they are making an effort, then, give them the benefit of the doubt.

Give them a chance.
Another reason this comes up is because I've updated "policies" at the salon and my website and there is a new 'no show clause'. In a nutshell, if they don't show, they are penalized.

I am aware that alot of people may never pay and never return, but one thing I need people to understand as The High Holy Days are mere days away and it's a sense of renewel and repentence, is that, I am worth my value.

I am worth the world.

You mean the world to me and I should mean the world to a hairdresser, as a friend, and most importantly, for giving you the benefit of the doubt and me likewise in my relationship (no matter what capacity) to you.
PS: The above image is part of my Holiday 2010 campaign debuting in October!

Monday, August 30, 2010

3.08 - A story about a less-than-happy birthday.

Good morning lambs,

It's 10:45 am on August 30th. Today is, in fact, my birthday and I'm sitting here alone at Casa de Cooley sipping a coffee getting ready to clean house ..

How glamourous.

I was greeted by some wonderful messages via Facebook and text this morning and could see how wonderful people really are. I am truly very blessed. I was kinda hoping I'd get a surprise text from Nasia, but no...

And I don't want anything from Leon even though I spent alot of time and effort on his birthday and hooked him up with D&G and a kick-ass watch..

I guess somehow, a day that I have always cherished since my birth, isn't so "happy" this year.

For weeks, people have asked me "what would you like to do on your birthday?"

My family has been bugging me, "what you like to eat on your birthday?"

I'm yet to answer. It's my birthday.

I'm at home getting ready to clean and then work out and then maybe I'll call Andrew or Janelle and turn my phone on and take the world for what it's worth once again.

I've never had a birthday funk like this. But I truly believe that the release of Nasia is bothering me the most... that was my best friend! Leon's deceit and lies only mirror the fact that nothing was real. Ever.

...and as much as I value my lambs, and Andrew, and Janelle...

somehow the double-whammy of losing two people I had so much love for remains...and I just want it to be done with...

I'm sure that turning on the iPod and cleaning will pre-occupy my time, but in the meantime...

Happy Birthday to me.

Thank you for the wishes this year, but I miss one person most this year and it would only make me the happiest to have Nasia back in my life..

that's a candle I won't count on blowing out though.

j ry

Friday, August 27, 2010

3.07: A story about public image, finding my value and creating an alliance..

Good morning lambs,

It's about 2 am on Friday morning and I'm sitting here in my American Apparrel tee and sniffing away my allergies..

Well, the countdown has begun, Monday is my birthday- I will be an astounding 1,000 years old! I'm excited...

As part of turning 1,000, I thought I would update you on a little career info: Trendsetters Hair Studio HAS EXPLODED along with Joshua Ryan, Inc. Lots of fun winter campaigns are in the works for me as a solo gig and a promotional event or two are in the works for the salon overall and let me tell you, I'm super excited.

On top of that, I found out today that for the first quater of me working at Trendsetters, I am, of course, you guessed, TOP RETAILER. Most product moved by yours truly, but did we have any doubts?


I've had an astounding THREE job offers this week from competing salons: one new, one old, and one up the block. I laughed and very genuinely declined and announced, "I'm super happy where I'm at, baby, but thank you, the offer means so much to me..."

The funniest part is that I realized my value locally has gone up immensely! For three long years, I was told "no" and that "[I wasn't] very good at what [I] did or technically gifted." And let me tell you, SoCo and the local beauty industry see otherwise!

I think truly that my last salon and it's ownership kept me held back out of jealousy and hostility and I find it abolutely disgusting that they find it healthy to talk to people like that when they know damn well there are some very talented artists in this industry locally and globally.

I was talking to my mum tonight and she told me, "no matter what, you never diss anyone, you've always admited their streingths and your strengths and your variances and a difference in technique.."

I interrupted her and said, "..because no body is wrong.. beauty is a philosophy and art, we all have a point of view."

I never said I was the best, I never said I was Vidal goddamned Sassoon, but one thing I am is honest..

genuine is another good word.

I may not be THE best to some, but for every hater, there is someone who adores me. Alot of the time, I find it hard telling myself I'm alright at what I do or finding the confidence.

All the public appearances being lined up for the fall are extraordinary and people that have met with me have applauded me on my efforts to inspire my team of salon peers. One person I don't ever have a doubt in is my salon owner Janelle. She believe 110% that everything we're doing is only for the best for the growth of her salon.

We're getting new stations, we're making public appeanances and are even thinking of putting together a fashion show. My NEXT big project along with my manuscript and Haute Mess by J Ry (no hints yet for the public) is to create an alliance between salons...

I want us to be 100% committed to education, ethics and friendship between each other. In this very small economy and business world that SoCo has, it's not okay to have enemies, it's only proper to (let's pretend we're in kindergarten when I say this) make friends.

Together, we prosper and alone we can still make waves, but it's nice to know you have someone on your side and someone there to back you up.

Recently, I lost two individuals that I thought were my back up and I have to tell you: if I have it my way and create an alliance, I'll have all of SoCo as my back-up and the two that abandoned me in my hour of need will run to the hills...

Have a fabulous weekend... and keep a look out for your favourite Rockstar Stylist Josh Cooley and your favourite Trendsetter Janelle making waves very soon in a neighbourhood near you!


J Ry

PS: I recently was certified and named a L'Oreal International Artist for their INOA Haircolour Range, visit to see yours truly on the international L'Oreal Professionnel website. ; )

Monday, August 23, 2010

3.06 - A story about my shedding my cocoon...

Dear lambs,

It's about midnight, well, a few minutes before and I thought I'd take this opportunity to blog about happening in the life of yours truly, the original pretty boy.

I just returned from working out with sissy Miss Adrian and am sipping down a soy-protien shake mixed with almond milk (well, that's not really milk, if it's from almonds, is it?) and a mixture of organic blueberry-acai-blackberry juice... it's fabulous --- kinda.

I am taken back to my early days of hanging out with Leon (Panda) and his constant need to suck down a protien shake and how stupid he was for not eating prior or after a work out. He was under the Headlines mentality that starving yourself and supplments made you beautiful. Well, I don't want a sip of that shake because it's not getting him too far up the ranks..

I have, since my departure in June, been working out non-stop. Today, one of my guests told me, "you look soooo good" and for the first time when I saw myself naked in the mirror this morning, I dind't roll my eyes in disgusts and mumble "f--k it".

I actually liked what I was seeing..

That's a major breakthrough for me!

Believe it or not, this narcisistic little man doesn't think he's very attractive! At all.

And now I'm starting to peel off the layers of doubt and seeing this whole other person I never thought I'd meet.

I received amazing news today that I WILL officially be moving downtown in early September! Holy mama!! I'm excited. My mum, well, she's a little sad..

I've been home so long it's going to be a different adjustment for her, but it's been way long overdue! I was trying to adjust her to not seeing me by staying with Leon for most of April-July and when that all ran away and I had to stay home at Casa de Cooley, as good as it felt, it was very smothering at the same time..

I miss the loft downtown, but I do not miss the fights, the arguments, the late mealtimes, the constant one-way-loveness of it all... it sounds alot like a caged animal, doesn't it?

Well, that is what it felt like and that's what I loved whole-heartedly for months.

Today, I was talking to Andrew and I started talking about Leon and my non-existent relationship with Nasia and realized that I'm at the part of a break-up where you want to get even...

I am not built that way!

I do not ever want that, but now, I'm kind of rebelling against all the whole-heartedness and came to verbal and public realization that their removal was needed. I am better off focusing on me.

I have moved on. New salon! New success... super busy. Great clients. Great company. When I'm home. I'm home.

No drama. No talking down to me...

Andrew told me, "it's sooo good to see you not in 'whiney' mode. That irritates me." Poor Andrew, no wonder he doesn't read the blog, I whine the whole time! HA HA

So, taking this to a positive blog and not such a negative vibe, I have been able to focus on the editing of my book and a new project entitled "Haute Mess by J Ry"

I can't release the details just yet, but it's a project in the works... I'm excited to share it with you and as time goes on and my downtown fifteen-year old meets Fashion Week Maven takes hold, I will divulge all the gritty details of exactly what "Haute Mess" by J Ry is.

I am at a point of realization (once again, how many points of realization can one have in ONE blog?) that moving on and building my life is something I'm open to.

I want to resurge my t-shirt line and design work.

I want my clients to come first.

I want a love-life... I am entitled.

I want to be single.

I want to be alone Greta-Garbo-style

I want to walk the sidewalk with friends and eat frozen yogurt talking about absolutely nothing..

I want my cocoon to finally open and I want to unveil the butterfly named J Ry soon...

Losing Leon was nothing compared to the energy I feel now bubbling in my cocoon..

I could explode, but until then...

new blog in a couple days...

And be on the look out for Haute Mess by J Ry details coming soon..

BTW: My birthday is next Monday... I have zero-plans. Any suggestions for this haute mess?


J Ry