Monday, November 8, 2010

4.10 :: A story about the best solo act..

Good morning lambs,

It's a Monday morning and I'm sitting on my red couch at Studio J Ry sipping a cup of coffee. I'm contemplating getting ready...

So, I'm trying to think of what's new in the world of Josh and well, I think that overall, the newest greatest thing is the column and finding time for myself. I'm currently finishing the specs on a new column for my next PULP contribution (can't tell you what it's about) and examining a reciept showcasing all the holiday client gifts I purchased yesterday.

Yesterday, there was a huge sale at my distributor in honour of the honing holiday season... I went in saying, "I don't think I need anything" and came back out with well, alot.

I mostly focused on client gifts. Moreso for the fact that I totally adore my clients. Honestly, they've been there for me more this year than any other year. They never let me sink! They proved everyone wrong and I have them to thank for my increasing pre-books and record-breaking sales. They've allowed me to move up and out into a new studio, make bigger investments, and eventually will probably pay for my salon.

The salon talks are getting more and more serious and my mum and I talk about what costs what, what location is best and what the absolute timeline is like for opening. I'm still on a 2012 opening date in my head, my my says "That's soon, you know that, right?"

And yes, I do know that...

I guess overall, with all of these amazing things in mind, I have also counteracted alot of my public appearances with alot of personal time when it comes to staying in at night and taking time to have one-on-ones with my mum.

I had a series of events to attend last week and is it fair enough to say that I cancelled at least two of them? I have just hit a point where I have overcommitted my time and want nothing more, but to lay on the couch and watch tv or Facebook. I don't ever want to lose grasp of who I am..

Last week, I also re-united with my Nasia for an event and it felt just like old-times... except that my old times turned into a different energy at the end. Instead of hanging around and talking... I came home, changed and met friends for dinner. My very pregnant friend and I have hit a "comfort" level in our relationsip: we don't have to constantly be around each other ot know that we're in sync. We established that years ago and as much as I miss seeing her daily, I see how important her kids and family are to her and as the months have gone by and the Headlines drama has drummed down a few notches, I notice that my mum and friends and clientele mean the most to me.

I always talk about operating without a best friend and maybe, just maybe, lambs, that's where I need to be: a solo act that makes appearances or chooses to seclude myself in the Madonna style of recent years. Maybe I'll ony come out to play when I choose and when I do, I'll still be the best, the latest greatest, an icon...

Yeah, icon.

That's the best solo act.



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