Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3.09 : A story about what matters and finding value..

Hey lambs,

Sorry I've been off schedule with blogs lately. I'm a couple behind and still owe you one. I'm pretty sure that I can guarentee you I'm busy.

I'm sitting at the coffee shop now after a meeting with my advertising rep. The images for my winter campagn are sealed and off to the printer and again, 50,000 homes in my area will be invited time for sessions and studio time with me.
The last blog I wrote was about a less-than-stellar birthday and I felt bad for being so negative nancy on you all, but it was very true.

My birthday for me is much bigger than Christmas! So, when people don't acknowledge it, I get sad. And even though I had 100+ messages from Facebook, Twitter, Texts and E-mails. The one person I wanted to spend my birthday with didn't even bat an eyelash and send a text. It's saddening.

That to me, shows me that the end with her is here. That's old news and I need to quit stirring up the old burnt embers of our relationship.

As I sit here, I think about all the cool people that took me to lunch last week and sent me coffee or cards and I just want to say a huge, mass "thank you."

You guys matter most to me.

On Sunday, I went on a wild goose hunt with my #1 Fashionista Michelle for a converter for a new TIGI Curling Rod she ordered overseas that was made for a UK outlet. After four visits, a lay over at the Lancome counter and a slopper and a few crown and cokes later, we found it...

I kept wondering, "why are we making the effort? And not getting discouraged?"

There was sooo much determination in that afternoon to find this effing converter. Why not buy one for the US? Because, #1 they are not released here and #2, it was worth the effort.

My point being, how many things in this life do we make an effort to make accomdiations to use?
It's alot like people we love. We put up with some bullshit just to get a simple yes or text message.
One of my favourite quotes my Kabbalah instructor told me was, "if it wasn't worth the effort and energy, it wasn't wporth it in the first place."

So... if I'm not worth the same amount of energy to friends as I invest in them, maybe it's not worth the begging.. because that's what it becomes.
I just got word of my potential move-in date for my apartment and just finished a power meeting and am fueled up on vegetables and the need for a spray tan...

So, my advice to you this week is to find out who is making an effort to communicate or better their relationship with you. If they are making an effort, then, give them the benefit of the doubt.

Give them a chance.
Another reason this comes up is because I've updated "policies" at the salon and my website and there is a new 'no show clause'. In a nutshell, if they don't show, they are penalized.

I am aware that alot of people may never pay and never return, but one thing I need people to understand as The High Holy Days are mere days away and it's a sense of renewel and repentence, is that, I am worth my value.

I am worth the world.

You mean the world to me and I should mean the world to you..as a hairdresser, as a friend, and most importantly, for giving you the benefit of the doubt and me likewise in my relationship (no matter what capacity) to you.
PS: The above image is part of my Holiday 2010 campaign debuting in October!

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